Saturday, December 14, 2019

Divine Chants of Parvati - Parvati Vallabha Ashtakam Damaru

This Ashtakam is a chant of salutations to the consort of Parvathi, Shiva. It describes the various attributes of Shiva who is exhorted by the sages and the Vedas and who is also known as the Lord of Blessings, who is attributed contradicting descriptions of being equal to devils and ghosts as well as the most beautiful person. He is considered the lord of birth and death and is to be worshipped by all.

नमो भूत-नाथम् नमो देव-देवम् नम: काल-कालम् नमो दिव्य-तेजम् |
नम: काम-भस्मम् नम: शान्त-शीलम् भजे पार्वति-वल्लभम् नीलकण्ठम् || १ ||
सदा तीर्थ-सिद्धम् सदा भक्त-पक्षम् सदा शैव-पूज्यम् सदा शूर-भस्मम् |
सदा ध्यान-युक्तम् सदा ज्ञान-दल्पम् भजे पार्वति-वल्लभम् नीलकण्ठम् || २ ||
श्मशानम्-भयानम् महास्थान-वासम् शरीरम् गजानाम् सदा चर्म-वेष्टम् |
पिशाचम् नि:शेषम् पशूनाम् प्रतिष्ठम् भजे पार्वति-वल्लभम् नीलकण्ठम् || ३ ||
करे शूलधरम् महाकष्ट-नाशम् सुरेशम् वरेशम् महेशम् जनेशम् |
तनौ चारु-ईशम् द्विजेशम् गिरीशम् भजे पार्वति-वल्लभम् नीलकण्ठम् || ४ ||
मुनीनाम् वरेण्यम् गुणम् रूप-वर्णम् द्विजम्-संपदस्थम् शिवम् वेद-शास्त्रम् |
अहो दीन-वत्सम् कृपालुम् शिवम् भजे पार्वति-वल्लभम् नीलकण्ठम् || ५ ||
सदा भाव-नाथम् सदा सेव्य-मानम् सदा भक्ति-देवम् सदा पूज्यमानम् |
मया थीर्थ वासं, सदा सेव्यमेकम् भजे पार्वति-वल्लभम् नीलकण्ठम् || ६ ||
फणि-नाग कण्ठे भुजंगात् अनेकम् गले रुण्ड-मालम् महावीर-शूरम् |
कटिम् व्याघ्र-चर्मम् चिताभस्म-लेपम् भजे पार्वति-वल्लभम् नीलकण्ठम् || ७ ||
शिरात् शुद्ध-गङ्गा शिवा वाम-भागम् बहुतीर्थ-केशम् सदा माम् त्रिनेत्रम् |
फणि-नाग-कर्णम् सदा फालचन्द्रम् भजे पार्वति-वल्लभम् नीलकण्ठम् || ८ ||
उदासम् सुधासम् सुकैलाश-वासम् धरा-निर्धरा-संस्थितम् ह्यादि-देवम्
अजा हेम-कल्पद्रुमम् कल्प-सेव्यम् भजे पार्वति-वल्लभम् नीलकण्ठम् || ९ ||

English Translation:

Salutations to lord of all beings, Salutations to god of Gods,
Salutations to the death to god of death, salutations to the great light,
Salutations to he who he made Manmatha in to ashes,
Salutations to one who is calm by nature,
Salutations to the consort of Parvathi who has a blue neck.

Always ready near sacred waters, Always on the side of his devotees,
Always worshipped by Shaivaites, Always wearing the holy ash,
Always in pose of meditation, Always interested in wisdom,
Salutations to the consort of Parvathi who has a blue neck.

He who lives in the very fearful ground of cremation,
He who always covers himself with the hide of elephant,
He who is seen with beings equal to devils and ghosts.
Salutations to the consort of Parvathi who has a blue neck.

He who has tied a cobra in his neck is in company of many snakes,
He wears a garland of skulls and he is a greatly valorous hero,
He wears the skin of a dead tiger and applies ash of cremation on his body,
Salutations to the consort of Parvathi who has a blue neck.

He has pure Ganga on his head and Parvathi on his left side,
He always has long uncut hair on his head and he has three eyes,
He wears hooded snake on his ears and always keeps the young moon,
Salutations to the consort of Parvathi who has a blue neck.

He has trident in his hands , He destroys great troubles,
He is the Lord of devas, Lord of blessings, greatest Lord and Lord of the people,
The pretty one is Lord of our body , God with a flag and Lord of mountains,
Salutations the to consort of Parvathi who has a blue neck.

Not very particular of his looks , having great servants , he lives on the great Kailash,
He helps the poor of this earth , he is the great God of who controls the past,
He is served by the invincible golden wish giving tree and also by the eons
Salutations to the consort of Parvathi who has a blue neck.

He is sought after by great sages for character, looks as well as class,
He leads the twice born properly , He is Shiva of the Vedas,
He loves the oppressed and is store house of mercy and peace,
Salutations to the consort of Parvathi who has a blue neck.

He is always the lord of birth and death ,
He is always being served by all,
He is always Lord of all his devotees,
He is a lord suitable to be worshipped,

He lives near the sacred waters,
And he is one served by other always,
Salutations to consort of Parvathi who has a blue neck.

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