Friday, December 20, 2019

Lord Hari Narayana Vishnu Bhajan 2020.

With Great Devotion expressed for Lord Vishnu The Great Protector, Narasimha, The Preserver, One of Trimurti, Identical to Supreme Brahman, Atman, Unchanging and Ultimate, Who is Lord Rama, Govinda and Krishna, Tender and Compassionate, Avatar of Love, Hari, Vasudeva, Purusa, Sahasranama, Prakriti, Narayana, mahat-tattva, Garbhodakasayi, Wielder of Sharanga, Nandaka, Kaumodaki and Sudarshana, Whose Abode is Vaikuntha, Consort of Devi MahaLakshmi.


Just as the sun's rays in the sky are extended to the mundane vision, so in the same way the wise and learned devotees always see the abode of Lord Vishnu.

Rig Veda, V.I.22.20.

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