Monday, December 9, 2019

Divine Chants of Siva - Arunachala Akshara Mana Malai - Sri Ramana Maharshi

Mt Arunachala "red mountain" refers to the holy hill at Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu. Also known by the names Arunagiri, Annamalai Hill, Arunachalam, Arunai, Sonagiri & Sonachalam.

It is one of the five main shaivite holy places in South India. The Annamalaiyar Temple, a temple of Lord Shiva is located at the base of the hill. Every year in the Tamil month of Karthigai (November–December), the Karthigai Deepam (Light) is lit atop the hill.

It is also an important place for devotees of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

Vedas and Puranas
Once the other two of the triads of Hindu Gods, Brahma and Vishnu were fighting over each other’s prowess. While Rudra or Shankara & Maheswara didn't felt Ego or Ahamkaram as they know the five Divine functionalities (‘Panchakritya karmas’) are controlled by the power of Lord Shiva. Bhagavan Shiva advised Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Maheshwara & Sadha Shiva to do divine functionalities (‘Panchakritya karmas’ ).

Sadha Shiva will give ‘Anugraha’(Providing Salvation). The most significant task of Anugraha would be the exclusive dispensation by Himself. But Brahma & Vishnu forgot the holy & supreme power & fought each other. By seeing the intensity of the battle, Lord Shiva assumed the form of a flaming Linga in between Brahma & Vishnu & challenged both of them by asking them to measure the gigantic Linga (symbol of Lord Shiva).The place where Lord Shiva manifested is Arunachala refers to the holy hill at Thiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu. Awestruck by its magnitude, Brahma & Vishnu decided to find one end each to establish supremacy over the other. Lord Brahma took the form of a swan & went upwards while Lord Vishnu assumed the form of Varaha - a boar & went into the earth towards nether land. Both searched for thousands of miles but neither could find the end. On his journey upward, Brahma came across Ketaki flower. Exhausted & bewildered with his search to find the uppermost limit of fiery column, Brahma made Ketaki assent to lie that he had seen the top of the column where the flower had previously resided. Accompanied by his accomplice, Brahma confronted Vishnu & asserted that he had indeed discovered the origin of the cosmic column. At this point, the central part of the pillar split opened & SadhaShiva revealed himself in his full glory. The night SadhaShiva revealed himself is celebrated as Shivaratri or Satya Ratri or Gyana Ratri on the Shivaratri Night. Overawed, both Brahma and Vishnu bowed before him accepted lord Shiva’s supremacy. Lord Sadh Shiva also explained to Brahma and Vishnu that both of them as well Rudra & Maheshwara were born out of lord Shiva & all the five were then separated out into Five different aspects of divinity. This day is regarded as Satya Ratri or Gyana Ratri because Brahma & Vishnu lost their ego & found supreme almighty god is Sat Chit Ananda However, Lord Sah Shiva was angry with Brahma for making a false claim. The Lord cursed Brahma that no one would ever pray to him.

(This legend explains why there is hardly any Brahma temple of significance in India.)

Lord Shiva also punished the Ketaki flower for testifying falsely & banned her from being used as an offering for any worship. While Lord Vishnu realized the mistake for it so vishnu got the boon that he will be equally beautiful as me (Shiva) but he too felt Ahamkaram as supreme (ego) so he did not supreme fame while Shankara or Rudra and Maheswara didn't felt ego or Ahamkaram So Lord Shiva gave them boon that there fame & power will be equal to mine. They both will praised as equal as me. Since it was on the 14th day in the dark fortnight of the month of Phalguna that Shiva first manifested himself in the form of a Linga, the day is extremely auspicious & is celebrated as Mahashivaratri - the grand night of Shiva.

Shaiva Hindus mark this night as "overcoming darkness and ignorance" in one's life & the world through Shiva.

Om Namah Sivaya
The sacred mantra of Shiva, is chanted through the day.

"All stones in that place Arunachala are lingams. It is indeed the abode of Lord Siva. All trees are the wish-granting trees of Indra's heaven. Its rippling waters are the Ganges, flowing through our Lord's matted locks. The food eaten there is the ambrosia of the Gods. To go round it in pradakshina is to perform pradakshina of the world. Words spoken there are holy scripture, & to fall asleep there is to be absorbed in samadhi, beyond the mind's delusion. Could there be any other place which is its equal?"
Tamil Arunachala Puranam

Arunāchala Siva, Arunāchala Siva, Arunāchala Siva, Arunāchala!
Arunāchala Siva, Arunāchala Siva, Arunāchala Siva, Arunāchala!


english meaning of lyrics

Blessed be Arunachala! Blessed be His devotees!
Blessed be this Marital Garland of Letters!

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